The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 252: Miriel A

All right! Why did you do it?!

Your question is far too vague for-

You filled my tent with statues of women! And most of them had no arms!

Ah, yes. That. Your question was ambiguous, Lon'qu. Specificity is paramount an any inquiry. Regardless, the statues were an experiment to learn the extent of your aversion reflex. And now I may collect the results! So then, how did you react to the statues?

By smashing them.

I see. So an inanimate likeness DOES trigger your reflex.

No, that's not the-

Thank you for your cooperation. We can proceed to the next test once I've procured sufficient female monkeys to-

For the love of all gods, no! You don't get it.

I have made an error in my calculations?

I didn't get rid of the statues because they looked like women. There was barely enough room in my tent to stand! Plus I didn't want people to think I had...issues.

Ah! I see your point. A man who claims to be constitutionally averse to women with a tent full of statues? You might indeed be the subject of scrutiny, to say nothing of scurrilous rumor.

Assuming those words mean what I think they mean, yes. That's it exactly.

This was an oversight in my methodology. I apologize. We'll repeat the experiment in a secluded location.

No, we won't.

My heart is racing at the prospect of clean, reliable data!

I said forget it!