The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 279: Stahl A

I found the documents you were looking for.

Well, I'll be! Thank you so very much for the kind assistance. By the by, I've drawn up a list of proposals for YOUR dream.

Oh. I thought perhaps you might have... forgotten.

Right then! Don't think. Just give me the first answer that comes to mind... Would you rather rise in Chrom's army, or run the family apothecary?

Hmm... Both sound quite enticing, truth be told.

Come now, sir! A true gentleman must have an opinion about such matters!

Well, I've thought about it a lot. An awful lot, in fact. And I realized we have no idea how this world will turn out after the war. So perhaps I should see what is best for my friends before I decide. I've never been very good at working hard for my own benefit. If I'm not helping someone, I just can't seem to get interested.

Then there is nothing I can do to assist you.

...Huh. I expected you to tell me to get a hold of myself or something.

If you hadn't actually bothered to think about it, I would have been livid.

But you've already chosen a path. You want to do what's best for those close to you. And once you discover a way, I'm sure you'll do your very best to make it happen. That IS a dream, Stahl. One that demands both courage and industry.

Heh. I may not be much for grand causes, but I do like helping people out.

A bit overly humble for my tastes, but there's no doubting your honesty.

Thank you! ...I think. In any case, right now my job is to help you and Chrom. So, what else can I do for you? Any more documents that need finding?

Yes, but they can wait for a while. Why don't we both have a break with a refreshing cup of elderberry tea? I haven't had a nice chitchat in ever so long!

It would be my pleasure!