The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 388: Donny C

Hey, can I see that rock?


Ker... FLING!

Horse apples! What'd ya go and do that for?!

Yay! I got it!

H-hey! Hold up a minute!(Time passes)

Check it out, Donny! I bagged a pheasant!

*Huff* *Pant* Forget yer bird, Nowi! The stone! Where's my stone?!

What, this one?

Aw, there she is! Whew...

Oh, sorry. Was it important?

More than anythin' I won. It's my one real treasure. ...It belonged to my pa.

O-oh my gosh, Donny! *sniff* I'm s-sorry! I didn't know! I... Waaaaaaaaah!

Hey, now! No need to start bawlin'! I ain't mad! ...Least not anymore.

*Sniff* ...Y-you're not?

Naw. Ain't no harm done.

H-here. You should take this pleasant. I'll even roast it for you! I'm not sure what temperature to put my breath at, but I figure about 10,000 degr-

Gah, wait, wait! I'll just build a fire! This ain't the time nor the place to go turnin' into a dragon, Nowi.

...But I like turning into a dragon.

Look, we got us plenty of dry wood. Just sit back, and I'll have us a fire goin' in two shakes of a pig's tail.

Okay. Thanks, Donny!

Gosh, but that was close...