The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 590: Vaike B

Vaike? What are you doing to Minerva?

Huh? Me? With Minerva? Well, I, uh... Oh, you mean THIS Minerva!

...Yeah, I ain't doin' nothin'.

Then why are you crouched in the mud while she stands over you and drools? Down, Minerva! Down! ...That's a good wyvern.

Why, I do believe she's playing with you! I haven't seen her this excited since the time she brought down that wild griffon.

Yeah, well, ya know how it is. Mutual respect grows when ya fight with folks and... all that. Ain't that right, Minerva? Har har har!

Are you saying you've learned to communicate with my Minerva?

This is really amazing. She's actually taken a shine to you!

Yeah, but you're still number one in her book.

Well, I'm glad you two are getting along.

That's us, all right! Bosom buddies! Thicker'n thieves! Pals for life!


Just don't get TOO friendly with her. She's MY wyvern, remember?

Wh-what? Har har! No! Ol' Teach wouldn't dream of it.

...Now will you please clamber out of the mud and come over here?

You've picked up a few more scratches from your latest play session.

You ain't gonna use more of that stingy stuff, are ya?

We'll see...