The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 652: Robin A


(Snoozing again? I'll keep quiet, but maybe I could ask just one more question...)


(After all, there is something I've been DYING to find out... It sounds like Tiki really liked the King Marth of long ago... )

(But did she LIKE him, like him? Curious minds must know!)



(I mean, it would be a shame to let such a chance go to waste...)

*Snort* Zzzzzz?

(Er, Tiki? Hello, can you hear me? I want you to listen very carefully. Remember when you told me about ancient King Marth and how he saved you? Well, I was wondering... Did you love him?)


Hello? (This is odd. Usually she answeres right away.)

Hey, Tiki? Can you hear me? I'm asking you a question. Were you in love with King Marth? Did you want to marry him? Come on, spit it out!

Tiki... is not home.

Hey! What kind of dreamspeak is that?! You're supposed to answer my question!

*Snort* H-huh?! Wooza wozza?! What's going on?!

Aw, nuts. I woke her up.

Robin? Is there an emergency? Is the camp under attack?

Er, well... I mean, that is to say...

You were... moaning! Yes, that's it. Moaning unhappily in your sleep. I thought you were having some terrible nightmare and decided to wake you up.

Really? Thanks, Robin. ... I think it was a nightmare.

I vaguely remember being hounded by some awful hag. She wouldn't stop pestering me with personal questions.

O-oh? F-f-fancy that! What a funny dream! Heh hah!

Yaaawn* But I'm still pretty sleepy. You don't mind if I doze off again, do you?

Oh. No. Of course not. Be my guest.

Just another fourty winks and I'll... be ready... for action...

..... Zzzzzz...

(Whew! I dodged an arrow there! I couldn't very well tell her I was asking such private questions in her sleep...)

Zzz... *mumble*

(She's talking in her sleep again! Let me just bend down here so I can get a good-)

Robin... mind your own business... or else.


Zzzzzz... Oh, and before you leave... fetch me a cloak to... lay over me... It's a bit chilly... down here... Zzzzzzzzzzzz...

Oh! Uh, right. Of course! Whatever you say, Tiki!

Hee hee... Zzzzzz...