The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 657: Say'ri B

My lady! Where are you?! Please, by Naga's mercy, respond!

Ah, Say'ri. Splendid! Your timing is perfect. Some lovely villagers just shared some of their apples with me. Will you have one?

Apples?! Nay, I shan't!

Suit yourself, though I see no cause to shout.

I've cause aplenty, my lady! Just how many times does this make?! You swore your word you'd not leave the camp without me at your side!

Did I now? ...And you're certain the word I swore was "yes"?

Fie! You can't honestly have forgotten?

I fear I have. Pray, forgive me. I am a being unlike you humans.

Being the voice does not give you a license for falsehood!


My lady, I have no words. You are acting as a child! What would the people think if they saw you thus?

Like I am, you mean? I care not! Let them think what they will.

The Voice is a rarefied and exalted being, sacred unto all. I fear dwelling amongst us lowly mortals is corrupting that sublime character.

That's preposterous. And if my sublimeness precludes me from being around humans, I say good riddance!

My lady, please!

Do you want an apple or not?

I speak of larger things than fruit, my lady! ...But I will concede your words do bear a ring of truth. If you see fit to gift me an apple, I shall humbly accept.

Splendid! Now open wiiiide...

You can't possibly...?! If the people witnessed such a vulgar display, 'twould be the end of--Hrrmph?!

Delicious, isn't it?!