The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 662: Flavia C

Oh ho! Who is this lovely young woman? Perhaps she's seeking companionship? ...Is what I was thinking before I recognized it was you, Flavia! Bwa ha!

Yes, and I thought. "Who is this sad, crusty old man? Perhaps he is lost and confused?" Before I heard the tired buffoonery and recognized it was you, Basilio.

Old man? Old? Hah! Bald and grizzled on the outside, yes, but inside beats the heart of a man half my age!

That act may work on the others, but I know you too well, oaf... Isn't it time you dropped the charade and started acting your age?

Oh, damn it all... *sigh* I suppose you've got a point... I'm old enough to grandfather half the whelps in this army.

Did you know the youngsters have taken to calling you "gramps"?

Why, the arrogant little... In my days, we had RESPECT for our elders... Not one of those pups would dare face this "gramps" in a battle arena, I wager!

Assuming you can still find your way there. Memory is the first thing to go, you know?

You're no spring chicken yourself, woman! ...That is, assuming you ARE a woman. I doubt anyone's ever managed to prize you out of that armor long enough to find out.

...Speaking of equipment, have I shown you my new sword? I'm told it's sharp enough to slice through mail. Perhaps it's time I tested it... on YOU!

Gar, have a care where you swing that thing! You'll cut an ear off! I came here to consult with a fellow leader, not to be threatened by a mad witch!

"Consult with a fellow leader"? YOU? Ah ha ha ha! That's rich!

Ogre's teeth, why do I even bother? I give up! Good-BYE! (leaves)

Heh, oh wait, Basilio. I'll stop, I promise! ...Basilio? Hmm, how curious... I wonder if he truly had something to discuss?