The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 665: Robin C

Ah, Robin! You look radiant today!

Oh? And what prompted that unexpected dose of flattery?

I made it my custom to greet every lady I meet with a compliment.

Well, consider me complimented. ...Was there something else you wanted?

I want to buy your service! Er, as a tactician, I mean.

Oh? Are you trying to pluck me from Chrom's employ?

I wouldn't have used those words... but yes, that's exactly what I'm trying to do! Sure, it's not fair to young Chrom , but my need is greater, and that's a fact.

Well, I appreciate your honesty, if nothing else.

Pah! I'm no court dandy with time to play games of wit and words!

So what's it to be, tactician? Give me your answer.

I'm flattered by the offer, Khan Basilio, but I must refuse. This war is far from over, and I vowed to stand with Chrom to the bitter end. I couldn't just abandon him on the whimsy of one of our allies.

Ho! Speaking of games with words... This is no whimsy of mine, dear lady. I make this offer fair and true.

Then I'd advise you to present the offer with more care. It's hard to take seriously when it comes out of the blue like this.

Fair enough. But at least you'll be prepared for the next time I ask you. ... And I WILL ask again, Robin! Count on it! (leaves)

Hmm, somehow I believe him...