The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 670: Robin A

Ah, there you are, Robin.

K-Khan Flavia!

Well? Have you thought more about my proposal?

Oh, er, right. You mean the one about me going to Regna Ferox?

And joining my family. Don't forget that bit.

Yes, about that. You see, I'm not entirely sure what it means. Because we're both women, and... I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that, but...

Yes? And...? We're both women. That's no impediment as far as I'm concerned!

It is for me!

Why? Isn't it more important that we hold love for each other? Any other details-

This is a bit more than a detail!

Look, I'm just not ready to make such a drastic change. Besides, now is not the time to even consider such things, is it?

Hmm... then I take it you wouldn't consider coming to Regna Ferox anytime soon?

Well, with this war still raging, it's hard for me to think even a day in advance. Besides, Chrom deserves my undivided attention right now. He's earned that much.

I'm disappointed, Robin, though I understand your position.

I'm sorry. Truly I am. Um, but... I do hope we can continue to be friends?

Oh, of course. ...Still I'd grown somewhat used to imagining our happy future. Adopting you into the royal family and finally having a sister of my own... Perhaps we could even have been bridemaids at each other's weddings! But forgive me. You're right. This isn't the time for idle fantasies.


But if it's friendship you want, then friendship we shall have!

Wait. When you said you loved me, you meant as a SISTER?!

Well, an adopted sister, yes. ...Didn't I make that clear?

No, you didn't! I thought that... Um... Well, never mind what I thought.

Wait a second. You thought... You and me...? AHHH HA HA HA HA HA HA!

It's not my fault! The way you were talking, it just... Oh, gods, I'm so embarrassed...

Blazes, girl, you're turning as red as Basilio after two barrels!

*Ahem* Annnyway...

All right, then. I will consider your offer. The sister one, I mean. But not until this damnable war is won for good.

Fair enough. But know this... I'm not the kind of woman who gives up easily. I yearn for you like a wolf for the still-beating heart of the deer... And when the time comes, you will be my prey!

Er, you know...

Yes, my lovely fawn. You shall be mine, now and forever!

You're doing it again!