The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 672: Chrom B

All right. That should do it for today's training. Let's stop here.

Thank you, Father.

It still feel so strange to hear you call me that...

You don't like it?

No, no. It's not that I dislike it. It's just... different, is all. I'm still wrestling with the reality that I have a child, and that that child is you.

I see.

Oh, but don't tell your mother. You know how she can be.

Ha! It always seemed to me like you told her everything...

In the future, I mean... You two were always so close.

Oh, come now. You make us sound like a pair of fawning lovebirds. I'm sure we would never embarrass ourselves, especially at court...

So you say, but your blushing face seems a little less certain! ...Heh. It feels good to share a secret. It's been too long. You were always sharing little tidbits with me in the future.

Was the future me really so furtive? I don't think of myself as a man of secrets.

Oh, they were just silly little things. Still, it gave me a thrill to hear them.

So the future me wasn't so much furtive, but more of a hopelessly doting father?

Well, there was one thing you never did tell me.


...How you and Mother first met.

That's... not the sort of story a daughter needs to hear.

It's certainly one this daughter would like to hear! Why don't we make a little wager? If I manage to defeat you, you'll tell me.

...I'm not so sure that's...

That certain you'll lose, eh?

Hmph! ...Very well, I accept.

Then get ready, Father, because I'm serious about hearing this story!

And I'm serious about not telling it- so likewise!