The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 681: Robin B

Hmm... Now where did I put it...?

Looking for that treatise on tactics, Mother? Blue cover? Fairly thick?

Yes. How did you...

Waaait a minute.

Yup! I hid it! Think you can find it?

Is that today's challenge, then?

It's somewhere in camp--I'll tell you that. You have until sundown today! Though I could give you weeks, and you would never find my diabolical hiding--

Found it.


It's in that bag you're holding, isn't it?

Hmph. ...Fine.

Guess I win this round.

How did you figure it out so fast?

You know me well, Morgan. And that includes knowing how much that book means to me.

I knew you'd never hide it anywhere it might be damaged or stolen. So it needed to be somewhere you could keep a close eye on it... yet still concealed.

You read my entire thought process! ...And here I thought I was being so clever.

All right, that settles today's challenge. Now come take a seat.


Let's read that book together. You wanted to work on your strategic thinking, right?
