The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 683: Lucina (Sister) C

This place is a mess! I really should straighten up more... often...


Gods, I've never seen Morgan run so fast! Are we under attack?!

Morgan! What happened back there? ...Are you all right?!


Breathe, Morgan. Calm down and tell me what happened. You have nothing to fear now that I'm here.

R-r-roach! A roach!

...A roach? ...As in...a bug?

Not a bug! I love bugs! ...A roach! A huge, freakish nightmare one, with gross hairy legs... It's HORRIBLE!

You're telling me all of your you screaming and flailing was over a COCKROACH? *sigh* I thought the Risen had come. You could have sent the camp into a panic.

AAAAAH! It's back! And it can fly?! S-stay away! Don't come near meee!

Come now, I don't see what the i-EEEEEK!

See? SEE?! It's the stuff of nightmares! Now hurry up and kill it! Kill it with fire magic or something!

Oh, no-I'm not going near that thing! It's HUGE!

WHAT?! What happened to having nothing to fear now that you're here? How are you gonna win this war if you can't even smoosh one stupid roach?

Those two things are not related in the slightest. And YOU want to be a tactician, right? So figure out how to kill it!

What's to figure out?! Who plans out strategies for killing insects?! Look, you're the older one! You do it! Father told you protect you little brother, didn't he?

Er, well, I suppose he did... *sigh* All right, I'll... do something about it.

Fantastic! Thanks, Lucina! Three cheers for once and future exalt!

...You're a royal, too, you know? It wouldn't kill you to show a bit more spine.

Hey, now's your chance! It just crawled into a corner behind that shelf!

It's too dark. I can't see it...

You should light up Falchion. Then once you spot it, ker-STAB!

Falchion isn't some common pitchfork, Morgan! It's a blade of legend!

Ah ha ha, all right, all right. I'm sorry I...

AHHHH! It's flying again! It's flying!

As formidable a foe as it may be, I won't allow it to set a single hairy leg on you!

Go, Lucina, go! GET HIM!

What in the name of..? What are you two doing in here?!



(A moment later)

Honestly, you two. All that commotion over a silly insect? what were you thinking?!


I'm sorry, Father....

Just see that it never happens again.

(Chrom leaves)

Figures he would be the one to get it. He's unshakable.

It's true. Although he was a lot less calm when it came to scolding us....

Aw, are you still down about that? I actually rather enjoyed it.

I can't remember the two of us ever getting in trouble like that before. It felt strangely familiar somehow. Kind of a happy, nostalgic feeling.

Heh. I confess, it did have its moments...