The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 689: Henry (Father) C

A foul sense hangs in the air... My sword arm throbs dully! Hngh?! Wh-what is this? Blood... raging! ...A different sort of blood rage than usual!

Hey-o, Owain! Everything all right?

STAY BACK, FATHER! You mustn't come any closer!

Why? Did you catch something? ...Ooo, are you CONTAGIOUS?!

The blood of heroes that courses through my veins hungers for fresh prey! If you draw within striking range in my present state, I cannot guarantee safety! I beg of you, stay back! Do not force me to topple my own father!

...Er, I'm confused. Are you under someone else's control? I'm not detecting a curse, sooo...

Aye, the curse of my bloodline's uncontrollable power! IT GNAWS AT MY SOOOOOOUL! Hnngh... D-down! Down, I command thee! Be calm, sword arm! Stay, raging blood!

Well, if it's not a curse, there isn't much I can do about it. I guess I'll go get your mother!

Wait, MOTHER?! Er...

Heh...That's not... strictly necessary. This pain is nothing to a man like me!

(Henry leaves)

Given a moment, I'm sure it will abate! I've weathered far worse than... Er, Father?

...ACK! Did he actually go get Mother?! Suddenly I don't feel so well...