The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 702: Lucina A

Hey, Lucina! Free for dinner tonight?

I'm sorry, I promised my father I would dine with him this evening.

Heh. Not much I can do if ol' Chrom wants to see you, huh? He's got me beat.

Beat at what?

Well, he's about the strongest man in this army, isn't he? I don't see much of a chance of beating him in single combat, so I cede this round.

...Just how do you imagine social affairs work?

If someone's stronger than me, they get my respect. And if they're weaker than me, I don't waste my time. That's all I'm saying...

Confidence and a competitive spirit are healthy traits in any warrior. But you take it too far, Kjelle. I worry that you isolate yourself...

What's wrong with appreciating strength? You're strong, and I respect that about you. It drew me to you, and now we're friends. Isn't that a good thing?

But consider the opposite case. Would you never befriend someone weaker than you?

...Why would I?

We're not gladiators fighting for coin, Kjelle. We're at war! Yes, we ought push ourselves to grow as individuals, but in the end we are a team! We must join together as a whole, each of us supporting the other. That is the only way this war will be won.

I understand your thinking, but... Gods, just thinking about those weaklings makes my stomach churn! I see them rolling around the battlefield, mewling like kittens and... Ugh!

Then let us do it your way! I challenge you to a duel!

Er, what?

If you beat me, I will acknowledge your philosophy as the truth. Should you wish it, the two of us can leave this army and form our own force. But if I win, you must swear to acknowledge your allies as equals. Strong and weak, warrior and healer alike. We face the enemy as one! United we stand, divided-

Okay, enough! I yield! ...You win.


I know better than to fight you when you have that look in your eye! ... Plus, your speech had my stomach churning even more than the weaklings.

Then you'll do as I've asked?

Indeed. I'm sorry, Lucina. I know at times my ego can be difficult to deal with. I may be strong, but I am aware I'm not strong enough to win a war alone.

I'm pleased to hear it.

I still think strength is important! That's not changing. But maybe it's time I started being more... inclusive?

Oh? What did you have in mind?

Yes, I'll train the rest of this sorry lot until they meet my standards!

Excellent! I'm sure the others will be thrilled to have your help in training.

We'll get a tougher fighting force, and I won't have to look at weaklings all day! It's a win-win arrangement!

Assuming everyone is able to keep up with your training...

As you said, we're all equals. No exceptions, no special treatment! It's time these Shepherds were truly run through their paces! Now, a daily 10-mile run would be a good start. Then perhaps... 100 log-lifts? 200?

Perhaps this wasn't such a grand idea after all...