The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 703: Virion (Father) C

Are you free, Father? I could use a sparring partner.

Ah, Kjelle... I'd love to, but... maybe not today...

Father, you're as pale as a ghost! And sweating! What's wrong?!

I-it's nothing. I'm f-fine... Save for my innards...

Are you injured? Who did this to you?! Give me a name, and I'll--


...Someone named "Breakfast"?

N-no... I ate breakfast, and then... this happened... N-not just me... Everyone in camp is in... the same shape... If you haven't eaten... s-stay away... Save yourself...


Hrrgh... And I thought Sully's cooking was bad... Whoever made this is... is...

...Is your daughter.

...Come again?

I'm sorry, Father. ...I thought it turned out so well.

N-no, it's not... that... I mean... urrgh... It was d-delicious... I'm sure the... searing pain is... coincidental...

You just said that everyone who ate it got sick! Oh, this is so embarrassing! (leaves)

W-wait! Kjelle! C-come back! Don't go... I'll... Bluuurp! Oh, gods... H-here it comes...