The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 706: Robin C

Torchlight glinting off polished steel... Imposing rows and fearsome visors... Ah. I never get tired of this sight.

Kjelle? What are you doing here?

Ah, Robin. Greetings. I was just admiring the armory. Don't you think it's lovely seeing all our gear lined up in neat little rows?

I don't know that I've ever thought about it... Armor is an interest of yours, I take it?

An interest? To say the least! In truth, I absolutely ADORE armor! It's both battlefield tool and work of art... It grants a warrior might and majesty. It's one of the main reasons why I became a knight, in fact.

I suppose there is a certain something about a well-made suit of plate. Especially the elaborate models fashioned for nobles and royalty.

Ha! I should have guessed that you, of all people, would share my passion.

Er, yes, well... Perhaps not to the same degree.

I could help with that. I could tell you everything I know about armor. I could deepen your knowledge and help fuel the fires of your passion!

Oh. Yes, that's... very kind of you. Perhaps when we have more time.

Agreed then! Next chance we get, I'll treat you to my five-part lecture on chain mail. This is serious business, Robin. Just remember: you requested it!

(Kjelle leaves)

...Did I?