The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 707: Robin B

Ha! There you are... I've been looking everywhere for you!

(Damn! She found me!) Er, I mean... Hello, Kjelle.

Ready for my discourse on armor?

Oh, right. See, the thing about that is... Well, to be completely honest... Look, I won't ever be as passionate as you about armor. I just won't. And I feel like I'd just be letting you down, so maybe it's best if we-

Nonsense! Give me enough time, and I guarantee to ignite your love for armor. If not as works of art, then as valuable equipment that keeps your soldiers safe. You're interested in being the best tactician you can be, right? Because if so, it's essential that you learn as much as you can about protective gear.

Er, well, yes. I suppose that is... a point.

No need to thank me, truly. What are friends for? And there's no better friends than those united in a common love of helm and shield!

I... can so very hardly wait.

Then let's begin! *ahem* I should probably start by listing all the things one can enjoy about armor. First, the smell: a wonderful bouquet of tangy metal and warm, rich leather.

See, you've lost me already, Kjelle. I think armor smells terrible. It's sweaty and gross, especially after we've been fighting for weeks.

Oh, Robin, Robin... Why are you fighting this? There's no need to mask your feelings. Listen to your heart! Let it sing!

...I honestly have no idea what you're talking about.

Moving on, then! What's next... Ah, yes! The sound of armor! Don't you just love it? CLINK-CLANK! CLINK-CLANK! *Siiiiiiigh* I could listen to it all day...

(...My instinct was to run when I saw her coming. Why didn't I run?! *Sigh* Nothing for it now but to just stand here politely until she's done...)