The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 709: Sully C

Phew... That's enough for today.

Yes, ma'am!

You're good, kid. Good enough to keep me on my toes.

I learned from my mother.

What, you mean me? Er, I mean, future me? Dammit! I can't wrap my head around all this time-travel business!

You fight just like the mother I knew. ...Which makes sense, I suppose.

That explains why you're so hard to beat. You know all my moves. Although, wait. There's one thing I don't understand...

What's that?

You're not great on horseback, are you? How'd that happen? I'd think I would've taught you better.

But you never taught me to ride.

What? Why not? Did you guys have to eat all the horses or something?

We had horses. What we lacked was talent. Or more specifically, I lacked it. You said I was a lost cause, so I wound up teaching myself. ...Poorly.


So yeah, come to think of it, now's your chance.

Oh? My chance for what?

To teach me how to ride! I mean, it IS your fault I don't already know.

MY fault? How is it MY fault? I haven't done anything! I haven't even HAD you yet!

But you will! So come on, what do you say? Please?

...Oh, fine. If you're so damn intent on learning, we'll work it into the regimen.

Perfect! Thanks, Mother.