The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 710: Sully B

All right. That's it for today's training.

Yes, ma'am! Thank you, ma'am! So? Am I any better on horseback? Maybe just a little?

...What do you think?

Not...really? Maybe I really don't have the talent for it.

Talent is an excuse! You lack practice, not talent.

No... You're right. I'm sorry. I guess I just got frustrated.

Still, there IS something strange here...

How your own daughter could be such a poor rider?

No, not that. The fact that future me told you anything different than what I just told you myself.

That it's a matter of practice, not talent?

Yeah. I hate that word, "talent." Always have. So why would I ever say you lacked it?

Well, to be fair, you never used the word "talent"... I believe your exact words were "you're not suited for riding." But it's basically the same thing.

Hmm... Well I'm sure I wouldn't say it without some reason...

Uh-oh. Does that mean you're going to stop teaching me again?

I'm no damn quitter! We'll finish what we started or die trying.

Whew! Thanks!

Still, there's something funny about all of this...