The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 732: Robin A


Hello, Laurent.

Hard at work, I presume?

Yep. Just trying to get some of these chores done.

You look exhausted, Robin. Drawn, haggard, and deathly pale.

Um, thanks? I guess I have been feeling a little worn dow- Whoops!

And now you can barely walk without stumbling. This simply MUST crease! You have worked yourself to the very brink of total exhaustion.

Oh, don't exaggerate, Laurent! I just slipped on a pebble.

I'm not exaggerating. You're looking more Risen than human lately.

It's just that... I have so much to do. Everyone is counting on me.

That's why you must trust your friends. ...And in me. Allow me to shoulder at least a share of your burden.


I respect you tremendously, both as a tactician and a friend. But in this one area, I believe your judgement is suspect as best. You must face the facts and allow me to assist you with your work!

Well, if you feel THAT strongly about it, I suppose I can't really say no...

Finally I wring a concession from you! Now promise me you won't work so hard.

All right, Laurent. I promise.