The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 733: Cynthia C

Cynthia? A word, please.

What is it, Laurent? You look even grimmer than usual.

I wish to speak with you about today's training exercises.

Here to tell me what a bang-up job I did? Yeah, I was pretty proud myself.

I came to inform you that you were drifting ahead of everyone during the march.

I wasn't drifting, I was executing the Twelve-Point Hero Spinner of Doom! It's my new superpower move, so I was trying it out to make sure---

Please take due precaution to ensure you keep pace with the rest of us.

It's called initiative! Look it up sometime!

It makes you a prime target for snipers and also inconveniences the entire army.

I'm tougher than I look, you know? And I already look pretty tough.

Confidence is meaningless if it leads to wanton hubris. True confidence must---

Okay, okay! Just stop... saying stuff. I'll try to be more careful. Sheesh! (leaves)

---account for many factors, including the spatial relationship of units, as well as... Er, Cynthia? I wasn't done.