The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 735: Cynthia A


Aw, maybe I was a little too hard on him. Laurent's stubborn, but he means well.

...Whoops! Forgot we were in the middle of a training exercise. Time to focus!

C-Cynthia! Hey!

...Hey? I don't think I've ever heard Laurent say hey bef---

Watch out!

Watch out for what---? Aaah!

...Huh? Geez, that was a hard fall. So why didn't it hurt?


Laurent?! Oh my gosh, I didn't see you there!

Apparently not... You were staring off into the distance when the army began marching. You were nearly run over by a ballista.

Ooh, I'm sorry! Are you all right? Can you stand?

I'm perfectly fi--- NNGH! ...Perhaps not.

Don't force it! Wait right here--- I'll get a stretcher!

*Time passes*

Well? Feel any better?

Some minor pain persists, but I am at least ambulatory once more. The healing spell has done its work. Time will do for the aches.

Oh, good...

Look, I'm really super sorry. I wasn't paying attention.

It's all right.

No, it's not all right! I've been a big dumb jerk, and you got hurt because of it! I was too busy shouting about I was going to become a hero to listen. If I'd followed your advice, you wouldn't be stuck here now.

I'm sorry as well, Cynthia. I know how important your aspirations are to you. I ought not to have spoken so dismissively about them. I was being stubborn.

It's fine.

I suppose I'd grown desperate to make you listen. You're strong, and brave, and many of the others look to you as a leader.

You're too important to be taking unnecessary risks, however minor. I spoke as I did because we can't afford to lose you, Cynthia.

Well, I promise to listen from now on. Double hero promise, in fact.

Perhaps I ought to have had you dislocate my hip sooner.

I said I was sorry!