The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 736: Sumia C

We're mother and daughter, and yet we're almost the same age... Kind of a weird feeling, huh? Still, I'm sure we can be friends!

Friends? But that won't do at all! You're still my superior. In battle, you mustn't hesitate to issue me orders just like any other soldier.

But you're NOT just like any other soldier, are you? No, we shall be friends, and you'll speak to me as an equal.

Truly? You won't think me too forward? You won't be insulted?

Of course not.

That's a relief! See, I told myself, if there's one person I mustn't annoy, it's Mother!

...Am I really so intimidating?

Well, in my time, you're a true legend. The most famed pegasus knight of all! There are so many stories of your heroic and terrible deeds. Like when you smashed through the enemy lines to rescue a stricken Chrom?

Er... did I do that?

Or the time you argued with Chrom and slapped him in the face!

Gods above, I sound like a madwoman...

Or the time you went into a blood frenzy and downed friend and foe alike!

I downed FRIENDS?! That's not heroic at all!

The point is, I was raised on such stories, and they gave me strength and inspiration.

...I guess I'm going to need to be more selective about which historians I talk to.