The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 739: Frederick (Father) C

Now then, let's see what the flowers say. Option one, option two, option three...

Cynthia? Why are you plucking the petals off that poor dandelion?

Oh, hello, Father! You're just the person I wanted to see! I'm using flower fortunes to choose an entrance flourish for the next battle! Buuuut I'm still having problems deciding, so I need to know what you think.

Dear, I don't know anything about flower fortunes OR "entrance flourishes."

Well then, let me must lay them out, and you can decide what sounds best. The first option is to ignite a huge plume of purple smoke and come racing out of it!


Option two is to step onto the field amidst a shower of fluttering violet petals..

I... see.

Option three is to suddenly burst out of a farmhouse in the middle of the battlefield!


So, what do you think, Father? Which would you prefer?

Well, I suppose if I had to choose... Maybe the falling-petals one?

Wait, truly? Well, THAT'S a surprise! I didn't think it was your style at all. But if that's what you want, I'll start collecting petals!

Cynthia, this entrance you're planning... It isn't for me, is it?

Of course it is, silly! Why else would I ask your opinion? Hee! I'm surprised you chose the flowers, but I'm glad you did. It's my favorite! (leaves)

N-no, wait! Just a moment! *Sigh* ...What have I gotten myself into?