The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 743: Lucina B

I hope you came prepared, Lucina. Today, we create our killer team moves!

I shall do my best.

Hey, you need to loosen up! This isn't math class or whatever. You just need to remember the three As: aesthetics, appearances, and acrobatics!

I believe aesthetics and appearances are the same thing.

Yes! Which is why it's DOUBLY important you start worrying about them.

...What exactly would you have me do?

Okay, so first of all, you have to start waving Falchion around a lot more. You know how it sometimes lights up, right? We can't NOT use that. It's too awesome!

I cannot make my blade shine at will, Cynthia. Furthermore, I'm not sure it's appropriate to use Falchion as a prop in this pageantry.

I TOLD you, this is to raise your allies' morale!

Are we conjuring mystical light purely for dramatic effect? ...Then it's pageantry.

You're just saying that because you're still feeling bashful. But it's part of a leader's job to stand up and make inspiring speeches, right? Chrom does it all the time. Do you think he lets a little embarrassment get in his way?

This is the same thing, except with boring ol' words replaced by glowing swords!

...It still feels like I'm being badgered into this. Which is why it's so frustrating that what you say holds to a curious sort of logic.

Okay, so I'm gonna pretend that's a compliment and just get on with things. Anyway, here's a diagram of the first maneuver I came up with.

So then... We both jump into a full spin... We cross paths in midair... You shout "Shooting Stars!" as I begin to swirl my hair in a figure-eight pattern...

...And we're to do all this in actual combat?!

Yup! So we'd better get practicing! (leaves)

I stand corrected. This isn't pageantry- it's a sideshow from a traveling circus.