The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 746: Robin B

I AM CYNTHIA! YOUR BLOOD SHALL RUN THICK LIKE A SWAMPLAND! ...Ew, no. That's a bit gruesome. I AM CYNTHIA! I FLOAT LIKE A LEAF AND STING LIKE A NETTLE! ...Eh. Too vegetarian. Although it might lull the foe into a false sense of security...

Hello, Cynthia.

Oh, hi, Robin!

Practicing battle lines again?

That's right! Because I still believe in the rules of heroic and gallant fighting.

Just remember, not everyone follows the rules, or even knows about them. Some people have less honor than the Risen, in truth.

I know what risks are. But I refuse to give up the idea of civilized combat.

Do you promise to at least look out for treachery?

Hey, stop worrying already! I can take care of myself. I'm a hero, remember? It's my job to rally and inspire our comrades.

We all know how brave you are, Cynthia. You don't have to take risks to prove it. What good is a hero if she's so foolhardy everyone has to worry about her safety?

I hadn't thought about it that way...

Well, perhaps you should. What say you at least consider toning it down a little? Okay?

...Fiiine. I'll think about it. And sorry if I made you worry. (leaves)

She's such a sweet girl, and so innocent. I just hope that doesn't prove her undoing...