The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 747: Robin A

Robin, can we talk?

Of course, Cynthia. What's on your mind?

Well, er, I've been thinking about what you told me...

You mean the risks of your heroic posturing on the battlefield?

Right, exactly. But see, I still believe in all the chivalrous rules of combat. ...I really don't want to give up striking poses and delivering my battle lines. But I've decided that I'll be extra careful, and only do it when it's absolutely safe.

And how will you know that?

Well, if I'm facing a noble foe who knows the rules, I'll go ahead and do my thing. But if it's a monster or a smelly bandit, I'll just hit 'em in the face.

That sounds like a fair compromise. Thank you for considering my words.

Well, it didn't seem fair not to, after you told me how worried you were. After all, a real hero is someone who can look after herself AND her friends. Imagine if a comrade was hurt because I was busy making the sun glint off my blade! If Chrom was gut-punched because I was yelling about my terrible might! If you were beheaded and quartered then set aflame, all because I was--

Okay, okay. I think I have the idea...