The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 748: Morgan C

I am Cynthia, Vanquisher of Evil! My sword has judged you and found you wanting!

...Heh. Nice. I'm totally using that next time out.

You seem as chipper as ever, Cynthia. I feel energized just watching you.

Hey, if iI've got anything to offer, it's pep! Belting out catchphrases and awesome hero speeches always gets me going.

So that's your secret, is it?

Yup! If you're ever feeling worn down, I can't recommend it highly enough. Hey! You should try it right now!

All right, maybe I will! Let's see...

I am Morgan, the, um, unwavering light that makes bad guys... really sad!


Hey, that does feel good! I bet with a little bit of practice, I could really get used to this!

Oh, yay! It's always great to find someone who appreciates the art of heroism.

Heh, it does seem like we're something of a matched pair.

And that means it's up to us to keep the speeches coming till everyone is energized!

Look out, world! I'm gonna shout at you until I'm hoarse!