The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 749: Morgan B


Mmm? Cynthia?

Do they really...? but that would mean...

Is everything all right?

Oh. Hi, Morgan.

I don't think I've ever seen you this drained. Is something on your mind?

No, I'm... Well, yes, actually. Lately, it seems like the others have all been... staring at me.

Er, you mean more than usual or... what?

Well, I'm used to them watching, but not... you know... staring. It's been happening when I give heroic pep talks. People always look, but...


But whenever I do it lately, people just stare. A lot. And hard. It's like they're boring into my soul with twin javelins of shame and regret.

Oh, that's just your imagination, I'm sure.

No it's not. They pity me, Morgan! They're all embarrassed for me! And so now that's all I can think about. I can't even fight anymore! Seriously, I almost got stabbed by a blind codger on a horse the other day...

Then I propose a little experiment.


If your heroic boldness is too much for them, why not try acting meek? In our next battle, take the field as a quiet, demure Cynthia. Then watch their reactions and draw conclusions from the experience.

Yeah, but... what will that tell me?

If they're fed up with how rambunctious you are, they'll be glad you quieted down. But if they like your usual peppy self, they'll clearly be worried about you.

Geez. I'm not sure I even know how to act demure.

Just think about your mother. Try to act as she would.

All right. I'll give it a try!

Wonderful! We'll have your answer in no time, I guarantee it!