The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 751: Owain C

Ho! Cynthia!

Oh, hi! Did you need something, Owain?

Nothing so grand. I just hadn't seen you for a while. I miss my Justice Cabal companion!

Ha! I remember when we used to play Justice Cabal as kids! Remember how I always played at being Beano the Barbarian Queen? Hee hee!

Ha ha! I never did understand where you got that name! Good times... So, uh, what're you up to now?

That's classified information, mister.

Aw, come on. You can tell me. I'm in the Justice Cabal!

Okay, fine. But this is just between us! So I'm trying to plan a dramatic entrance for our next battle. Something... heroic.

Well, if you're going to be a hero, there's only one real option... Wait until your friends are on the brink of defeat, then show up and smite the enemy! There's nothing more heroic than a big comeback.

That's terrible! I can't do that!

Why not? A hero always shows up at the last minute. It's in the job description.

No, it's not! A real hero is there the whole time, tirelessly defending her allies!

Noooo, I'm pretty sure a hero has to show up and save everyone at the very end. ...Huh. Weird. We always agreed on this kind of stuff before.

Maybe that's what happens when you grow up?