The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 753: Owain A

So! You wanna hear how the story ends?

You mean the one where you go crazy with grief and kill everyone? I'm not sure I wanna hear how that one ends, honestly...

It's not going crazy! ...It's me entering Avenger Mode. AAAAAANYWAY... I continue to be wracked with guilt and rage over my actions! I fall into Avenger Mode again and again, always regretting it, but powerless to resist. The stench of blood never leaves my crimson-stained hands.

You know, I've been meaning to tell you there's nothing heroic about this story.

But then a heroine appears to stop my tortured onslaught! It's... Cynthia! Cue the harps and bells!

Hey! I want no part of this!

The strong but fair Cynthia will stop at nothing to end my mad reign of terror! And end it she does, though she pays the ultimate price...

Wait--I DIE?!

Your selfless sacrifice teaches me to quell my rage and control Avenger Mode. With that lesson forever in my heart, I become an inexorable force for justice. ...And that's the origin of Owain Dark, Avenging Avenger of Justice!

Wait a second! Go back to the part where you kill me!

Ah ha ha! Sorry, Cynthia. I got carried away by my own awesomeness!Man... maybe I should write novels. You know, once the war is over.

Just make sure I stay alive long enough to read them, all right?