The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 760: Kjelle C


Oh, hey.

H-hey, Kjelle. How's tricks?

Tricks are fine, thanks.

Training again, are ya? Wish I could be like that.

Then quit talking and grab some weights! That's how I've done it- one day at a time, every day of my life.

Yeah, I remember ya as a kid! Always running around with some pointy stick.

No one gets strong without putting in the time. You've got to sweat for it.

I'd settle for being half as strong as you. A third, even! Maybe then I could stop doubting myself all the time... How long do you think it'd take for a guy to hit your level, eh? Couple'a weeks or what?

Depends on the guy. Natural talent goes a long way towards speeding things along.

But ya think anyone can get there eventually, yeah? I mean, if they really bust hump?


Then ya gotta train me, Kjelle! Ya just gotta!


What?! How can you say no? I'm pleadin' with ya here!

I'm busy enough with my own training. I don't have the time to waste on you. Besides, you're frail. If you snapped in two an hour into my training regimen, we'd be short a healer.

...Guess there ain't much I can say to that little number. Too weak even to get less weak... Gah, look at me! What a Melvin!

Hey, don't let it get you down....Or just let it get you down somewhere else. I'm busy. (leaves)

Yeesh. No harsh truth a total lack of sympathy can't make worse...