The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 768: Lucina A


That's my name!

I'm a little late in this, but thank you for your help before. I did as you said, and I feel completely recovered! In fact, it may just be in my head, but I actually feel lighter on my feet than ever.

Well, don't go pushing yourself, twinkle toes. You only get one body.

I'll be careful.......Meanwhile, I fear you're looking as sallow as ever.

Hey, this is my natural colour! And quit yer worryin' about me! We're done here! Git!

Not yet, we aren't! It's my turn to aid you. You didn't let me help you at all when you came down with that cold. I won't be denied the chance again! I WILL help you, Brady.

You can start by lettin' go! Gya! Getcha stinkin' paws off'a me!

Struggling is... futile! Hurk! I can... outgrapple you!

Waugh! What part of helping me involves a submission hold?!

The part where you refuse to submit! Now, submit! Give your body over to me!

D-don't go sayin' crap like that where folks can hear y-OUCH! Agh! Uncle! Uncle!

Believe it or not, I'm quite the masseuse.

GAAH?! My neck! My back! Ngh! ...Oh god, I heard somethin' snap!

Does that hurt? I hadn't begun to apply any real pressure. ...I think someone might be exaggerating.

I think someone might have his shoulder dislocated! Please stop! Owww!

...Oh. Sorry. I didn't realize.

Yeesh! Feels like I just ran through a gauntlet or two...

How very strange... Everyone else I've done this for has needed at least that much pressure to feel it.

Well, I guess I'm just one'a the gods' special little critters. Next time be a bit more gentle, will ya?

I'll be more careful. I promise.

Good. And, uh, thanks, I guess. ...For the thought, anyway.