The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 769: Cynthia C

Hmm... No, that can't be it...

You all right there, Cynthia?

Hmm? Oh! Yes, sorry, Brady. It's just that the strangest thing's been happening lately.

Oh yeah?

Someone keeps coming to my aid in battle.

That don't sound so strange. We all help each other out, yeah?

Yes, but this is... different. If I'm hurt, a vulnerary will drop out of the sky in front of me! Or an enemy will be thundering toward me and get knocked off their horse by a rock!

Y-yeah, that's... strange, all right. Never heard that one before...

I know, right?! I'm going to track down whoever is doing it during the next battle.

No, don't! ........ I mean, uh, don't you think that's kind of unnecessary? They're helping you, right? Maybe they just wanna be... I dunno? All anonymous-like?

Hmm... You're right in that many heroes prefer to operate in secret...

Don't do it... Don't do it...

Sorry, what? I can't quite make out what you're mumbling over there.

Me? H-heck, I ain't sayin' nothin'! ....I'm just tired. ...That was a yawn. 'Sides, how are you going to track down your hero with no clues? And even if you find 'em, what then? You know what they say about gift horses.

But I've always wanted to discover a hero's secret identity! Hmm... Perhaps I can narrow it down a bit... It has to be someone in camp, right?

Oh, I dunno. Could be anyone, really. Either way, fretting over it ain't gonna give you answers. You oughta just say boo to the whole thing and be done with it.