The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 770: Cynthia B

Heya, Cynthia.

Oh. Hello.

Something wrong? You're usually... louder.

Remember what I told you before? About my secret protector?

Er, someone's been helping you out in combat and whatnot, right?

Well, ever since then, they've been awfully clever about covering their tracks.

Y-yeah? How do you mean?

Well, they always show up just when I'm in danger, right? And I figured that was the perfect time to catch a glimpse! So lately, whenever I was in trouble, I started looking around wildly!

That seems like a really terrible idea...

So in the last battle, I look over my shoulder and see a huge wall of smoke... And then, while I'm watching, a stone comes flying out and hits my enemy! My protector is using smoke screens! That is SO COOL!

Yeah, that's... That's wild. Ha ha...ha.

It's like they're just hell-bent on remaining anonymous.

Certainly sounds like it...

But why the need for the secrecy if we're both fighting for the same side? Honestly, the more they hide, the more I want to discover who it is!

Like I said, as long as they're helpin', it don't really matter, right?

Of course it matters, silly. I need to know who to thank!

But what if they ain't lookin' to be thanked?

Every hero should be recognized for outstanding heroic deeds! That's item four of the Justice Cabal code.

I, uh... I ain't familiar with that one.

All right then. Next time I see smoke, I'm going to charge right into it!

You got rocks in your head! What if it's just a fire?!