The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 772: Owain C

Halt! Who goes there?!

Halt? You're the one who just walked in. I ain't goin' nowheres.

A fine parry, sirrah. And yet, here you stand in garb most strange. Speak, fiend! What nefarious plot are you hatching here?!

What, ya mean here in the kitchen? Dressed like a chef?

A surcoat and crown of purest white... What strange rituals are-

It's an apron and a chef's hat, idiot! I'm cookin' dinner! Even you can't be that dense. Now quit wasting my time.

Cooking? You? Dinner? Ha! I'd sooner believe a cavalier riding a pegasus over the moon!

Aw, I ain't got time for this malarkey! Look, tonight's my turn, all right? Now make like eggs and beat it! You're gonna ruin the flavor.

I will not be deceived by such deceits! What manner of madman would allow you a turn at cooking for the camp?

I'm a fine cook, all right! I learned from my dear ol' ma! So just... *sniff* G-get off my back!

Whoa... um, are you crying?

N-no! *sniff* ...And you're slipping out of character.

Brady, you are totally crying!

L-leave me alone! I was just cuttin' up taters, all right?!

Don't you mean onions? I don't think there's anything in potatoes that-

I JUST FELT BAD FOR 'EM, OKAY?! Now make like my pants and split!

Fine, fine. I'm going.