The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 776: Panne B

(sings in a tune) Sleep tonight and good night. You are thy mother's delight.

Erm, Mother? I know you're just trying to imitate human mothers, but... I don't think it's working.

Well, that's a relief. I was feeling very foolish. I thought perhaps human customs might be similar enough to work for taguel. But it seems perhaps I was mistaken...

(...Which is why I was saying we should find our own way...)

Did you say something?

N-no! Nothing at all. Er, you don't have to glare at me like that. It's not my fault the lullaby didn't work.

Was I glaring? I didn't mean to. I must try to remember that you're more timid than you look.

I'm not timid! ...Well, perhaps I am. Just a little bit. But who wouldn't be in my situation? I'm one of the last surviving taguel! If I die, it could mean the end of our race!

So it's not battle that you fear, but rather the role you've taken on...

Yes. I'm proud of my ancestry- of the taguel blood you passed on to me. I don't want to be known as the fool who allowed his race to die.


But after meeting you here in this world, I want to do more than just survive...

There's something else about being taguel. Something I feel in every hair of my being... It's something I can't quite put into words, but maybe when I can, it will help guide us. Until then, I think we should stop trying to imitate humans.

Let's try things our own way and see what comes natural. What feels right. It may take a while, but I think we'll find the answers we want eventually.

Well said. ...Very well, then. We shall try it your way.