The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 790: Cynthia C

Yarne! How's it going this fine- Hey, why the long face?

Have you come here to chew me out like everybody else?

What? Why would I do that? And wait, why would THEY do that? What did you do?

It's what I didn't do, which is fight. In case you didn't notice, I spent most of the last battle running and hiding. They have every right to be mad at me. Frankly, I'm surprised you aren't.

What, is that all? Why would I be mad?

Huh? You mean... you're not?

Come on, I'm not the type to hassle someone for something like that! I walk the hero's path- I defend the weak by defeating the wicked! So I can't very well get MAD at the weak, now can I? You're just fine as you are. Besides, without cravens like you, I'd be out of a job!

H-hey! That's not... Oh, who am I kidding. Yes I am. Mostly, I'm just surprised to hear you say I'm all right the way I am. You're the only one who thinks so. So, yeah. Thanks.

Aw, come on, buddy. Smile! As a hero, I'm not allowed to leave the scene until you're wearing a grin.

R-right. I'll try.