The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 808: Cynthia C

Get busy dying, or get busy dying MORE! ...That's my best victory catchphrase yet! I can't wait to use it! Hmm... But do I shout it before the killing blow or after? ...Oooooh! Or DURING?! Oh my gosh, this is going to be so great!

Oh, gods. Nerd alert. Just make sure I'm not around when you start yelling like a maniac, all right?

Did you come here just to be a jerk?

Just appreciating the irony of your situation is all. The more you embrace your "hero" bit, the more of a loser you are.

That is so totally not true! Heroes are completely awesome! And it's also none of your business!

Oh, you poor girl. Don't you know that everyone in camp is ashamed of you?

Nuh-uh! I get compliments all the time!

That's called pity. They're trying not to hurt your pathetic wittle feewings.

At least I HAVE feelings! You don't get it because you're emotionally stunted! A cynical ice queen like you can't possibly fathom the awesomeness of a real hero! Y-you're a villain! ...A supervillain, even!

If having no patience for your sad little fantasies makes me a villain, so be it. ...Meh. I'm bored of making fun of you now. Go back to playing your little games.

I will! Good day! And good riddance!