The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 813: Kjelle A

Er... G-good afternoon, Severa. You're... looking well?

Better. Not great. ...Or good, really. But better. Now you need to focus on the delivery. In time, it will be fluid and natural. Still, I suppose I should thank the gods you've come even this far.

If makes you feel better, I'm tripping less in those absurd shoes you gave me. Oh, and I combed my hair this morning. One hundred strokes exactly.

And it looks lovely!

There's just so much to remember... I'm always sure I'm forgetting something. I guess it's just good that I'm improving.

As you will continue to do, I'm sure! Plus, you have the advantage of being naturally beautiful.

Well, um... Thanks, I guess.


What? Is there something on my hands? You keep staring.

Your fingers are so long and pretty. I don't know how I didn't notice before.

Kjelle! Now THAT is a very sweet and ladylike compliment! I'm so proud of you right now!

Does that mean I pass?

Pass? You're going to be valedictorian! I hereby name you a graduate of Severa's Finishing School for Warrior Ladies!

Heh heh. Warrior ladies. Oh, that's rich. That's... ...Uh-oh.

What is it?

I've been so focused on remembering what you taught me, I think I forgot other stuff! ...Oh, gods! I don't remember how to fight!


Ack! I'm trying, but nothing's coming back! It's all a big blank! Which end of a sword do you hold? It's the pointy end, right? ...OUCH! Dammit! Wrong end! I knew this girly stuff was a bad idea!

W-Well, worry not, dear. I'm here to help. We'll enroll you in Severa's Combat Class for Lady Warriors next.

You'd better hope I've forgiven you by the time I graduate!

Just don't go and forget ow to act like a lady this time! You'll thank me once this war is over and you're on the prowl for love!

Would you get started already? I can feel my muscles disappearing!