The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 820: Laurent C

Mmm, those peaches smell amazing! They were totally worth splurging on!

Severa, where did this veritable mountain of fruit come from?

The market, where else? They just looked too tasty to pass up?

I told you last time not to purchase anything that isn't on the list... If we keep buying unnecessary food, it will rot before we can use it. Our treasury is not so great that we can splurge on excess supplies.

Oh, whatever! It's only a little fruit. And besides, once folks see how great it all looks, they'll finish them off in no time!

That does not address the crux of my argument.

Human beings need a little treat now and then to survive, Laurent. I mean, maybe not you! ...But most of us. And if you take away the joy in life, what's left to fight for? See, so I'm actually helping morale whenever I buy tasty fruit.

Starving, however, is bad for morale. And that's precisely what will happen if you continue squandering the food budget. What's more, you make additional work for me when I try to balance the books.

Pffft! Yeah, whatever! An egghead like you will figure it all out, I'm sure! Besides, what's done is done. The milk is spilt, so quit cryin'! Now cheer up and enjoy some fresh fruit. Wouldn't want it to spoil after all.

I fail to understand how one individual can be so selfish, time and again. It will take me hours to draft a new budget.

Stop fretting over every little detail! You'll worry yourself to an early grave. (leaves)

If anything dooms me to an early grave, it's like to be that insufferable woman...