The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 822: Laurent A

I just... I still can't believe it...


Oh. Hello.

You look dazed. The company must have thanked you as well, then?

Yes! It's been a total barrage of praise ever since the two of us went shopping. Chrom even searched me out just to offer his compliments.

It has been almost surreal... Especially in spite of our prior arguments. It seems we managed to strike a perfect balance. Nothing missing, nothing wasted. People have been especially excited over the more... extraneous items.

That has to feel pretty good as the guy responsible for the shopping budget.

Yes, though I would never have thought to purchase half of what they mentioned. Much of it appeared wasteful to my eye, but it seems you had the right of it. I apologize for doubting your selections.

Oh, it's fine. Besides, I'd have spent twice as much if you hadn't made me think about the excesses.

Stubbornness aside, you really are good with numbers, and you always stay on task.

Thank you. Praise from you is a rare treat indeed. I suppose this means that together we were able to do what neither could do alone.

Yeah. For all our arguing, we actually make a pretty good team.

I would welcome your help again on the next procurement run. If you wouldn't mind joining me, that is.

As long as you promise to let me handle the fruit, I'm there!