The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 826: Yarne C


What's wrong, Severa? You're all out of---

Don't you 'what's wrong" me! What do you call the last battle?! We'd only been on the field a minutes when you turned tail and ran!

N-not true! I saw it through to the end! ...Er, from a safe distance.

Pah! What a lame excuse!

Look, it's just... It's not like you really needed me there. Our foe was way weaker than us.

Keep underestimating the enemy like that and you're going to wind up in a coffin!

But it's the truth!

And what happens when we go up against a stronger enemy? Hmm? We prepare that much more carefully. We focus harder and we fight stronger! And that goes for them, too. Which means we can't afford any carelessness!

I... I guess you have a point.

This army has suffered more injuries from carelessness than from enemies, you know?

All right, all right! I'll be careful not to just leave the easy fight to you guys from now on.

Am I really getting through to you?

Yes! I told you, I got it!

If you think a quick nod and a smile is going to fool me, you're crazy. I'll stay here lecturing you all day if that's what it takes! Now, take a seat, craven!

...There goes the afternoon.

What was that?

N-nothing, ma'am!