The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 828: Yarne A

Ugh, another day of Severa's Basic Training, otherwise known as Pick-on-Yarne Hour... There's got to be a way out of this. Hm... I could fake the plague... No, wait. I did that last time. ...Fake my own death and run? ...No, that's madness. If she found out, she'd kill me for true.

And just where do you think you're going, bunny face?

S-Severa?! Er, I was just... Just valiantly fighting the impulse to flee?

Flee? You were going to run away? Just where do you get off, buster?!

(Gah! Severa's even more terrifying than usual today! Every animal instinct in my body is screamin "RUN!" in a perfect chorus!)

(Yarne runs away)

Don't. You. Dare!

*Time passes*

*Huff* *pant* Whew... Heh... That'll teach you to... try to outrun a rabbit... W-wait a moment... What's that angry blur coming toward me...?


...HAH! Gotcha! And don't even think of trying to run again!

H-how did a human outrun me? And what possible reason could you have to chase me that hard?! You're wasting your time on me! You know that, right?

ARGH! Just LOOKING at you makes me see red! There is NOTHING more infuriating than watching someone slack off!

You've got about three times the natural strength and potential I do, you know? And yet you're just letting it go to waste while I work my butt off just to keep up! Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?!

Severa... I don't... I'm sorry. Truly. I never knew. I always thought I was a lost cause, and I just assumed you'd already given up...

Some days, I'm tempted.

Look, I'll work to improve, okay? I'll give it my honest best.


I do. I doubt it'll be smooth sailing, and I'll probably still make you mad at first... But I'll do everything I can to be a help to you and the others. I swear.

And how can I be sure you're not planning to just run away again? I suppose I'll have to stay close and keep a close watch on you. And... maybe help.

Well... having you there certainly can't hurt. Thanks for sticking by me, Severa!