The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 832: Nowi C

Nah, look, look! See all the pretty flowers?! Let's go pick some and make flower necklaces! It'll be fun! SO much fun!

You go. As you can see, I'm busy right now.

What is that, some kind of picture book? Let me see... Oh, boo! It's full of writing!

It's a book on the use of dragonstones in battle. I found it in the baggage train.

Is it fun? Because it looks like the opposite of fun.

Of course it isn't "fun" But it's vital that I study these kinds of things.

This army would be WAY better if we didn't have to do so much boring stuff.

Doubtless. But it's our duty to learn all the arcane secrets of our dragonstones.

We have inherited a unique, and truly powerful, ability. We must cultivate and master it so that we can better serve our allies in battle.

Ew. Do you always use such big words? I'm not used to thinking so hard! Why don't we run out to the woods and play a game before our brains melt?

Mother, you need to take this more seriously! We're in the midst of a war!

I KNOW, silly. But thinking about it all the time isn't going to help me! The tougher things get, the more I laugh, and that makes everyone else laugh, too. I think that's kind of my job here. To keep everyone smiling.

Wait. You think your role in this army is to play all the time?

Exactamundo! So what do you say! Let's go play!

*Sigh* Well you certainly are good at your "job," I'll give you that...