The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 835: Donnel (Father) C

*Sigh* Dealing with Mother is just so exasperating! All she ever does is play, play, play, as if she hasn't a care in the world!

What's wrong, Nah? Ya seem awfully peeved.

Oh, hello, Father. I was just thinking about Mother again... How do you stand her? Don't you find her incredibly childish? Annoying, even? She spends all of her time running around camp playing games.

Ain't that a kick? I was just thinkin' how alike the two of you are. But no, I don't find her annoying. It's who she is- I wouldn't want her to change.

Tsk! Father, you're MUCH too kind. If you're always this tolerant, she'll never learn to act her age!

Well, I...

What do you like about her, anyway? You're so serious and responsible, and she runs around like a headless chicken! I have no idea what you see in her... rushed into marriage for some reason? Like you got her-

What?! D-don't be ridiculous! I knew exactly what I was gettin' into!

Oh? That's quite a protest there... I guessed right, didn't I?

Heck no! I knew yer ma was a bit... flighty at times. I just find it charmin'.

You know what, Father? I don't believe you one bit. Come now, spit it out. Why DID you marry her?

Enough! It ain't right to be talkin' 'bout yer ma like this! (leaves)

Hey, stop! Don't run away from me! WAAAAAAIT!