The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 836: Donnel (Father) B

Father! Cornered you at last! It's time we finished our conversation.

Yer stubborn as an old mule, Nah, but that discussion is over now. I ain't gettin' into more detail about why I chose yer ma, and that's final!

AWWWWWW. Why not?! A daughter simply MUST know how her parents fell in love! You don't understand how a woman's heart works. You're so CRUEL!

Heh, I think yer a mite young to be worryin' about yer "woman's heart."

...Did you just mention my AGE?! Gods, forget what I said. It's a wonder any woman deigned to choose YOU...

Nah, I know what yer tryin' to do here. But don't forget, I AM yer father.

If ya keep this up, I WILL get angry, and I WILL punish ya.

Eep! S-sorry, Father. I didn't mean to make you angry... I swear.

All right, all right then... I 'preciate the 'pology.

I've been selfish and unreasonable. Please find it in yourself to forgive me.

Well, sure. But--

I guess I've wasted enough of your time. I'll just be... going now.

No, wait, Nah.


Ya seem so crestfallen. Are ya all right?

*Sigh* I suppose I'll just have to deal with the crushing disappointment, won't I? I mean, if my father is going to become so angry over a simple, innocent question...

Um, right, well... See, it's just--

No, no. You don't have to explain. I'm used to dealing with hardship. being spurned by my own father is just another drop in my bucket of torment. Hardly worth mentioning at all. Truly! ...Anyway, have a nice day. (leaves)


...Well, shucks. Is this really what I got to look forward
to for the next decade?