The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 840: Robin A

Hee hee! Oh, gods, that was fun! That was the best rampage EVER!

Here, Nah. Have some water.


Gracious, you certainly took it up another notch today. It's a good thing we're in such a isolated spot here.

Gods, yeah. Can you imagine me running amok in the middle of town?!

A grim thought indeed. But listen, I have a theory about why you need to rampage. I think they're a way for your dragon side to get some exercise.

Hmm, yeah. Could be. Is exercise something you humans do a lot?

Most of us, yes. It's a great way to get rid of stress and blow off steam. And the healers say regular exercise is the key to good health.

Do you uproot trees?

Er, no not usually. In fact, almost never.

Oh. That's too bad. Uprooting trees is my favorite bit. Oh, so the other day in the village I saw a lady screaming at her husband. She was chasing him around the square with this huge rolling pin. Then she went in the house, threw his stuff out of the window, and stomped on it. Was that exercise? 'Cause it sure looked like a good workout.

Er, no. That's something different. Although I wager she was blowing off steam...

Hmm. Well, it seems that my exercise needs to be destructive. I can't stop until I've splintered some trees or torn up a swathe of undergrowth.

It's good thing we have plenty of forest to spare.

Oh, and I feel much better running amok if you're here with me.

Because I can make sure that you don't destroy anything important?

Because forests are dark and scary and have lots of ghosts. But when you're around, I'm not scared one little bit!

Heh. Sometimes I forget there's a little girl inside that monstrous beast.

So you ARE going to keep coming out with me for my exercises, aren't you?

Of course. I've grown quite fond of them, and of you... You're like the little sister I never had... and I guess the big monster I never had, too!