The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 841: Tiki C

Hey, Tiki. There you are!

Yes, Nah. Here I am.

Could you do me a favor?

If I'm capable, then of course. What do you need?

I, er... I actually want you to tell me about something.

What, specifically?

Well, about when you were young. A long, long, long time ago. People say you were alive back during the age of legends, right? Well, I'm curious about history. Manakete history, especially. How did our kind live back then?

Ah, yes. You have manakete blood in your veins.

I do indeed.

You have the blood, yet you are not a true member of the tribe.

B-but I'm just like you... Aren't I?

Throughout my millennia of life in this world, every manakete has been of pure blood. ...Until you.

You are unique-the first of our kind to have a human father. I can tell you our history, though I doubt it would mean much to you now.

But that's not fair, I have the right to know, even if I'm not a full-blooded manakete!

I don't mean it like that. You are a unique existence, the likes of which have never been known before. Our story may be difficult for you. ...Painful even. Are you sure you wish to hear it?

...... Yes. Yes I am!

Then I shall tell you someday. ...But not today.

I... I understand. Thank you, Tiki!