The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 845: Owain B


What is it, Owain?

I thought up the perfect game for you!

I suppose asking you to let me read in peace is out of the question? Oh, all right. Let's hear it.

"What's That Breath Attack?" Great, right? I'm thinking you could easily come up with a hundred different types!

A hundred?! Are you mad? Owain, I can't produce a hundred different kinds of breath.

No, no, no! You don't do it for REAL! You IMAGINE them! Just think about what would be a totally awesome attack!

Here, I'll get you started. Ready... Seeeet... FIERY ICY DEATH STRIKE!

Wait... so it's on fire AND made of ice? Is that even possible?

It doesn't matter if it's possible! That's not the point! Okay, let's try again. Ready...


What does that even mean?

Nah, please! You're doing it again! I told you, you don't gave to actually do it. You don't even have to understand it!

I don't understand. Why am I thinking up names for impossible things?

Because it's fun? Sheesh! If this were about doing real work, it wouldn't be fun at all.

...I don't get it.

Wow, Nah. You may look young, but I think you're actually an old crank.

Maybe some of us can't afford to remain children forever...

Hm? What was that?


Well, don't worry. I'll put my thinking cap on and come up with another game!